The Elvanto mobile app is available for iPhone (iPad) or Android
Please contact Adam via email or in-person if you have any troubles logging into the app.
This is the screen you are presented with after logging in. Some of your upcoming roster is displayed here. Menu is the 3 bars at the top left.
In the Menu you have options for Roster and Unavailability.
To add unavailability, press the + sign at the top right, and add the dates, what time if not all day, and if it repeats. A reason is not required.
If you select a service you are rostered on, you can now do a Swap or Replace. Press the red cross next to your position.
Select Swap or Replace, When you select the ‘Replace’ option, a list of available volunteers who can serve in the chosen position and at the same service will appear. When you select the ‘Swap’ option, a list of similar services you are available for will appear, as well as the volunteers that are scheduled on the same position as you. By default, all services and all volunteers are selected.
Here you can see the options when performing a replace.
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